CWR Statement on the International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearances

The Center for Women’s Resources joins the families and friends of the disappeared, advocates and human rights defenders, in renewing the calls to end involuntary disappearance and human rights violations in the Philippines.

The abduction and disappearance of Elizabeth “Loi” Magbanua, Ma. Elena “Cha” Cortez Pampoza and Elgene Mungcal add to the long list of names of activists and community organizers who were forcibly taken and disappeared. Data from human rights organization Karapatan showed that there had been 254 victims of enforced disappearances in the Philippines — from the Arroyo administration up to July 2021 during the Duterte administration.

Last May 3, Loi Magbanua, a labor organizer and women’s rights advocate, was abducted along with fellow labor organizer, Alipio “Ador” Juat. A few days later, Ador communicated with his family, informing them that unidentified men abducted and forced them into separate vehicles. The two are believed to be detained against their will in a military camp.

On July 3, peasant organizers and human rights defenders Cha Pampoza and Elgene Mungcal went missing in Moncada, Tarlac. Before her disappearance, Cha’s family had been subjected to harassment by uniformed personnel of AFP and PNP.

We urge the public to express support for the families and friends of victims of enforced disappearances and other human rights violations, especially with the widespread climate of impunity. The impunity enjoyed by perpetrators of enforced disappearances and extrajudicial arrest and detention is exacerbated by Duterte’s Executive Order 70 – the ‘whole of nation approach’ that intensifies brutal attacks towards activists and human rights advocates. It is high time to raise our voices and speak out against these rights violations and demand justice.

Finally, we challenge the Marcos administration to show its sincerity in addressing the spate of involuntary disappearances and human rights violations in the country by revoking Duterte’s EO 70, dismantling the NTF-ELCAC, and promptly ratifying the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance.

Statement of Support for HB 2173 – Security of Tenure Bill

The Center for Women’s Resources (CWR) welcomes and strongly supports the legislative proposal House Bill 2173 or the Security of Tenure Bill recently filed by Gabriela Women’s Party and Makabayan Bloc in the 19th Congress. The Bill which seeks to end all forms of contractualization is long overdue and has always been one of many failed promises made by past administrations.

With the current pandemic situation, high unemployment rate, the dwindling income of Filipino families, rising prices of consumer goods, and concerning increases in poverty and inequality, CWR believes that Congress and this administration must immediately pass legislation to protect and advance workers’ rights.

Even before the pandemic, Filipino women workers are found in precarious labor and 60% are considered economically insecure. With the economic contraction brought by the pandemic, workers under contract were pushed to further insecure conditions as they were the first to lose their jobs. They live at a critical point, vulnerable, and often with no buffer against economic shocks.

CWR, in its recent study on the conditions of women workers amid the pandemic found the following:

1. Contractual workers have fewer employee benefits like company medical insurance, and this forces employees/workers to pay out-of-pocket for expenses that under normal circumstances are covered by an employer. Although the government mandated employers to pay for certain benefits such as SSS, Philhealth and PAG-IBIG for all types of workers, some employers do not pay for these benefits. Other benefits that contract workers do not receive compared to regular workers include paid vacation/ sick leave, and 13th month pay.

2. Contract workers need to provide for their own retirement plans and savings for periods of unemployment.

3. “No work, no pay” rule imposed on employees by service contracts and contract workers.
4. Low wages are a disadvantage for employees who are hired on a flexible basis. Workers in these arrangements are much more likely to earn wages that are at or near the minimum wage and earn significantly less than regular workers. As a result, many of these workers are working at/or near the poverty level.

5. Contractualization undermines worker’s right to organize and form unions.
The road to pandemic recovery presents an important opportunity to reverse the trend of disadvantaged workers through enacting the Security of Tenure Bill. Further, many studies have shown that increasing women’s economic security leads to positive outcomes in health, education, and women’s participation, which are important aspects in economic development and nation-building.

It is in this light that the Center for Women’s Resources deems it imperative to legislate a genuinely pro-worker and pro-women Security of Tenure Bill that will end all forms of contractualization and violation of workers’ right to security of tenure. We challenge the Philippine Congress and the Marcos Jr. administration to decisively prioritize this legislative agenda and ensure workers’ right to work and development.

Trading Better: Women’s Economic Rights in Building a Sustainable Future

Women activists and development workers will discuss their concerns on the multilateral trading system under the World Trade Organisation and its impacts on women in the global South. They will also share their insights on building a people-centred trading system that advances women’s rights.

🗓️ July 6, 2022
🕖 7:30 AM New York / 7:30 PM Manila / 6:30 PM Bangkok / 2:30 PM Kampala / 8:30 AM São Paulo
Read more:
#feministswantsystemchange #peoplestradeagenda

DOWNLOAD Babae Bantayan ang Eleksyon! Materials

Mahalaga ang papel ng bawat isa sa pagbabantay  – bago, sa araw, at pagkatapos ng eleksyon. Maghanda tayo sa pagtatanggol ng ating boto! Huwag hayaan na maluklok ang mga korap, lumalabag sa karapatang pantao, at nagdadala lamang ng pansariling interes, sa pamamagitan ng pandaraya sa eleksyon.

I-download dito ang mga resources na maaaring gamitin sa pagtatanggol ng boto at pagbabantay sa halalan:

Alternative Report on the Philippines Submitted to the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights for the 28th Session of the Universal Periodic Review in the United Nations Human Rights Council in the 4th Cycle of UPR on the Philippines

The Philippine government prides itself to be a State party to eight core international human rights instruments and six optional protocols. It is also a founding member of the Human Rights Council in 2006 and it commits to be a State partner of the Human Rights Council.

As such, the Philippine government made commitments to promote, protect, and fulfill the rights of our citizens, especially the poor and the marginalized and the vulnerable, and social justice shall be pursued, even as the rule of law shall prevail at all times. Further, it states that “this administration shall implement a rights-based approach to development and governance, as we improve our people’s welfare in the areas of health, adequate food and water, housing, environmental preservation, and respect for culture.” Finally, it reiterated that “human rights must work to uplift human dignity.”

The Philippine government also committed to the promotion and protection of the human rights of women through various policies and programs during its third cycle review in 2017. It cited national laws and regulations to prove such claims, such as the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of the Philippines and for particular women’s concerns, the Magna Carta of Women and the Reproductive Health Law.

It supported these recommendations on women’s rights during the 3rd cycle:, “To continue its work to strengthen its policies to further promote gender equality and eliminate discrimination and violence against women (Recommendation 133.227 from Brunei Darussalam); and Carry on the efforts to combat all forms of discrimination and violence against women (Recommendation 133.228 from Tunisia).

With the Philippines government’s ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), it committed itself to undertake a series of measures to end discrimination against women in all forms.

Further, at the Magna Carta of Women, it defined the State as the primary duty-bearer that shall: (a) Refrain from discriminating against women and violating their rights; (b) Protect women against discrimination and from violation of their rights by private corporations, entities, and individuals; and (c) Promote and fulfill the rights of women in all spheres, including their rights to substantive equality and non-discrimination.

This report shows that despite these commitments and support to UPR recommendations, the Filipino women’s condition remains challenging. CWR is putting forward recommendations for the Philippine government, which hopefully will be supported by other member states.

Read the full report here:

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