Women, girls, and the elderly will continue to be disproportionately affected by disasters unless major stakeholders acknowledge their vulnerable status and tailor relief efforts to respond to it.
In recognition of the power of media in shaping public opinions and the energy of the youth in campaigning for change, this project #HerStoryOurStory: Digital Storytelling on Women and Environment combined these two elements – media and youth – in raising awareness and in widening spaces to talk about gender-based violence in times of disaster and climate change.
This project comprises: (1) Capacity building, (2) Creation, and (3) Engagement.
Capacity Building | A five-day national advocacy and training seminar-workshop was conducted for young Filipino journalists, age 18 to 30 years old, from traditional tri- media television, print and radio, online media, and college and university publications in the Philippines.
Creation | A web page / digital story book was produced to compile stories of women disaster survivors written by training fellows. These stories highlighted the gender-specific issues that confront women during disasters, as well as the resilience of women in time of crises.
Engagement | Creating a pool of media practitioners who will continuously write and produce inspiring stories about women which may be used by CWR and its community partners in environment-related campaigns and advocacies.